Biometa Finland is Looking for Investors

Biometa Bioproduct plant - Towards economically and environmentally viable agriculture.

The bioproduct plant is a biomass processing and bioproduct production solution for agriculture’s economic, environmental and current solutions’ technical challenges. The bioproduct plant is suitable for dairy cow and swine farms. It handles farm’s manure and turns it into four valuable bioproducts while cutting down GHG, ammonia and COD emissions. It is an affordable solution for smaller and medium-sized farms.

Please contact us at if you are interested to purchase the complete bioproduct plant concept

Why do we intend to sell the bioproduct plant concept?

We want to make the bioproduct plant solution a reality in solving agriculture’s current challenges. Any interested party is welcome to acquire Biometa’s bioproduct plant concept.

This is an invitation to submit an offer.

How do we intend to sell the bioproduct plant concept?

By selling the industrialization rights and assets to build the world’s first farm-scale bioproduct plan which is powered by new-generation, high-rate twin bioreactors. This includes:

  • All our engineering data including Mass & Balance calculations and Piping & Instrumentation diagrams
  • All cost data and concept information
  • All data from the simulations and the experiments
  • Handover and support by Biometa to make sure everything goes smoothly.

State of development

The bioproduct plant solution has been under development for several years:

  • From laboratory-scale to a working dairy farm, Biometa has tested and operated the solution
  • The product development’s final stage is the full-scale demonstration plant which includes all the core and subprocesses integrated together on a farm-scale.

Novel process innovation

Plant utilizes and transforms the farm’s manure into valuable bioproducts, maximize biogas yield and reduce manure-based emissions utilizing:

  • New-generation high-rate liquid bioreactor
  • New-generation high-rate solid bioreactor
  • Sterilized Bedding Production unit
  • Automation system of the bioproduct plant
  • Ammonia Capture system
  • Integrated power source: Solar panels.

Check our plant’s benefits with calculator!

Market potential and customers

Bioproduct plant is scalable and offers its benefits to small to medium-sized dairy cow farms of 50-500 head of cattle. Based on Biometa’s own study, there are approximately 125 000 dairy cow farms in the EU that fit into this segment.

Seal of Excellence award

The innovation awarded the Seal of Excellence quality label from Horizon Europe’s EU EIC Accelerator Program under Technologies for ‘Fit for 55’. Check our certificate

Award was received 10/2022 which is a testament of the strength of the innovation as well as excellent project planning in terms of business modeling, commercialization preparation as well as final productization execution.

Read our white paper “Towards Economically and Environmentally Viable Agriculture” including experiments, processes, benefits, markets and justification of the innovation

Development stages

Since the beginning, several prototypes have been built and deployed in the field, undergoing numerous studies which have proven the technology and its benefits:

  • On a working dairy farm in Kempele, Finland and they began in 2016
  • On Luke’s (Natural Resources Institute of Finland) experimental field in Ruukki year 2019
  • On company’s premises


Test series and experiments were carried out first to build, construct and run-up the pilot plant and secondly, to ensure complete functionality of the bioproduct plant’s core and subprocesses. The test series were finished by the end of year 2022 with multiple positive, measurable results.

Towards economically and environmentally viable agriculture

Please contact us at if you are interested to purchase the complete bioproduct plant concept